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Stuck here on Key + Goat, I figure I have to use the paper in some way but i've been stuck forever. Any hints?


There was a wall you broke that you should not have broken.


If you push something, you'll be able to put an input in (for spells), but you won't actually move

i'm stuck at goat + fire + size :(

i think that i need to use size to get in the walls on the left, and im using the rocks in order to connect the two sides of the map but i just cant figure it ou

there is another block - besides the plus shaped one - with which you can use the size trick to get on the walls


i found a way anyways


That's brilliant. My solution was to carve a path of halfbushes with tiny fire

I was looking for a route almost identical to yours, but I ended up finding a much much shorter one. If you push one of the message notes up to the breakable wall just above the hive are and drop the stone on there while it's in between blocks, you can clip very close to the star

Do note that on the right at the bush area there's a big open area, This is needed, because after you get up there the first time, you won't have the room to become small again in the main area, so you'll have to clear out that section on the right to become small again after setting up the rock at the top

Hint in rot13 

vg frrzf lbh tbg n yvggyr gevttre unccl znlor lbh fubhyq pbafvqre orvat zber pnershy gevzzvat gubfr urqtrf

I have beaten the game. as in I got the "you win" paper.

thankfuly I only had to do G+bush, as the G can push power orbs, including the cancel one. granted all you need is Bee+G+Size to get to the paper. but bush is needed to leave after you read it without undoing.


key+fire is really boiling all of my bones away.



i'm long past key+fire now; i'm suffering G + flip + flower. flip flowers are my least favourite species of flower.

i've been stuck on this for a bit now.  I just can't see how to access the upper section of the map.

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I've completed all of the trophies on the right side and the bottom left on the left but I'm banging my head against a wall trying to to do the final 5. I'm going for fire + flower currently,  but I can't get the top left star. Am I missing something? 

You can't let the boxes in the top left fall at all

Lbh pna ohea gur fjvgpuvat guvatf (rot13)

I'm so pround of myself that i can do G + Key by myself!

i wasnt able to :(

do you need help? I could give you a hint if you show me where did you stuck.


she flips on my goat till i flower 🐐💦

heavy end-game spoilers, rot13. What a fantastic game, idk why i even attempted this but it worked lol

Syvc + Sver + T vfa'g erdhverq, ohg V fbyirq vg. V guvax gur bayl fbyhgvba hfrf Ubzr va n pyrire jnl (naq 6 obkrf).

6? I did it with 4. How would you even get 6 boxes in there?

I have finally managed G + flip + flower and I do not understand how anyone would be able to do this without any hints, but it is utterly brilliant and I love it.

i wish that you had all spells in the hub

you can bring any spells you like from the last run


I think they're talking about Flower and Bush.

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can anyone help me with key flip?

i can do it but only by collecting flower and not using it, and i have no idea how not to.

Im working on that myself, stuck at the same place. Im thinking of trying the following:

Hfvat syvc gb olcnff gur 5 oybpxf ba gur gbc yrsg, gura hfvat gur cyhf oybpx ng gur irel gbc gb npprff gbc yrsg fgne.

Rot13 as usual.

Okay that worked for the top left and top right, but now I'm stuck on the bottom right star. As far as I understand, the only way to reach it is to use the pluses in the central area with 7 boxes, but I for the life of me cannot see how that's possible. Unless I'm missing something, in either orientation, the blocks prevent usage of key to go up.

Okay i finally figured it out, and man i feel dumb.

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opposite, I've only gotten bottom left star

nvm, solved it I think

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how did you get to the top left without collecting flower?

nvm found a way to be fliped near flower.

now i just have flip-flower-G

(2 edits) (-1)

i have managed to somehow go and walk on top of the walls. (edit: it involves bush. also the bushclip is OP, it can litteraly solve puzzles fast) (edit2: i forgot to mention the bush has to be done near a wall, as well the bush acts like a wall and if you can walk on the bush, the game lets you walk on walls and also that box thingy with gravity)


that is intended don't worry. The interactions are gonna get way more complicated than that


bro has not done key-flower-flip yet


You can also get on top of walls with size or key. Have fun figuring that out

Deleted 30 days ago
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Im stuck on Flip + Flower + Goat and Key + Goat

Anyone have any hints or tips?

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for key and G -> look what happens when you interact with papers as G. there is an interaction you only need once in the game for this very trophy. (Edit: It seems I was wrong. You need the same interaction for G+fire+size. I honestly think it's easier to see it in G+key though)

also there is no flip+fire+G. do you mean flip flower G?

I meant flip flower goat

Im already at this part

Key flower G is nothing?

if you want to get key goat (rot13):

lbh unir gb tb n ybat jnl bire gur obggbz cneg bs gur znc sbe gur gbc yrsg fgne. Ohvyq lbhefrys n ebhgr ba gbc bs jnyyf jvgu gur obkrf lbh pna chfu nf n T. Gur gbc yrsg fgne naq obggbz evtug fgne ner rnfvyl ernpunoyr yvxr gung. gur gbc evtug fgne arrqf n yvggyr gevpx jvgu cncre


Flip + Fire + G isn't required, but I solved it. I think the only solution uses Home in a clever way

i mean flip flower goat

Hints are coded in rot13

hint 1: Syvc sybjre tbng arrqf lbh gb trg rabhtu obkrf va gur zvqqyr fb lbh pna gryrcbeg ba gbc bs gurz jvgu ubzr gb raq hc ba gur jnyyf.

Hint 2:

Va gur raq lbh jvyy unir sbhe obkrf naq gjb cncref va gur zvqqyr fdhner.

3 bs gur obkrf jvyy ohvyq n gbjre ba gbc bs ubzr, juvpu jvyy ernpu gb gur gbc jnyy naq gur cncref ner arrqrq gb trg guerr bs gur obkrf gb fgnpx.

Hint 3 tells you about which box is the key to solving this puzzle:

Lbh fubhyq nvz sbe gur gbc yrsg fgne svefg naq or fzneg jvgu ubj lbh hfr sybjre gb trg n obk sebz gur obggbz yrsg bs gur fperra jurer lbh trg gur syvc cbjre vagb gur zvqqyr.


That was great. I wasn't sure at first how it was going to play out but I really enjoyed that. Would love to see this in some kind of expanded format.


I've been thinking about making some sort of sequel. We'll see!

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Fun game! It took me a bit to realize just how much you can burn with fire (felt stuck until i finally got fire/flower), but after that things were mostly smooth sailing. It was pretty cool being surprised by what Size does (i first used it on fire/flip/size), too.

It seems super surprising that G flip flower is even close to possible; I'll have to ponder that one for a while, I'm sure.

Also I got to the bottom trophy room note with G key, which is clearly the best combination to reach it with.



- "unlock trohpies" -> "Unlock trophies"

- Plus some papers in the trophy room, and some settings, don't begin with capitalized letters.

Wow, I just finished G + Flip + Flower.  Gung jnf abg jurer V jnf rkcrpgvat gb trg gung rkgen obk sebz. So much so that idk if that was cheese or not. (V'z ersrerapvat bar bs gur obkrf arne gur syvc fcryy) Someone please let me know if that was intended and if so, that is brilliant. (rot 13)

I think what you’re describing is intended, though G wasn’t even in the game when that area was designed. It just so happened you could do that.

Very interesting! very creative! (but also very difficult.....


That G + Flower + Flip challenge was pretty troublesome.


Amazing game! Each trophy was fun to get and a lot of them were very challenging. Most only took upwards of 30 mins to an hour to figure out with the G+Flip+Flower leaving me scratching my head and needing to return to it the next day.

I figure I should leave a hint for the others struggling with G+Flip+Flower without giving it away. Definitely the hardest one but amazing pay off once you figure it out!

 Hints in as normal!

Hint 1: Lbh unir n fcryy gung lbh cebonoyl oneryl hfr be hfr nppvqragnyyl. Abj vf vgf gvzr gb fuvar. 

Hint 2: Obk cbfvgvba vf gur qnatrebhf tnzr bs guvf punyyratr. Erzrzore gurl pna'g tb guebhtu sybjref!

help me (btw im doing fire flower)

for left star:

lbhe jnl hc vf nobir gur gjb ubevmbagny oybpxf

for right star:

beof pna or qrfgeblrq jvgu sybjre

o thank you thank you so much

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i couldnt get the left star so do u have any other hints for it

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i dont need hints now (the first fire flower guide released on youtube)

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This is a softlock right?

it probably is but i think i understand now

Definitely is. That top left star is the only one for that challenge that's softlockable I believe. I recommend focusing on it first. You can do the other 2 after it.


is there anything more to get after reading the "you beat the game" note?


if you’ve unlocked all the trophies, there isn’t.


theres really nothing to do in the place of the ending?


Nope! Also, I’m not sure how you’re able to freely move about in there. That should be impossible.

(2 edits) (+1)

the way i most consitently get to move here is by going to the ending, press pause move a bit in the menu(even left and right), then start a new game, move a bit and press z to undo till i get in the ending, it will then let me move in here. i Thought that was intended

Sad that there is nothing, I have been looking for a while since I found waterHole in the files

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there is *a* secret in the ending, but it doesn’t involve free movement. (Though the above screenshot alread shows what the secret is.)


the Gameplay Fuzzer option is like a creepypasta


The "cancel" spell can be destroyed with the fire spell if you enter the trophy room while small. In this state, you can use small + bush to step over the trophy doors and cheat your way to the end.


i mean, if you manage to figure that one out alone, you kinda deserve the win

(1 edit) (+1)

Great game! Lost on Fire/Flip/Size for the top right star, maybe I'm missing something though. You really don't miss on these puzzle games, so intricately designed

edit: Just figured it out, so clever!

(1 edit) (+1)

any hints?

nevermind, i got it

can I get a hint? im lost on that too


Basically, it's a one screen (+1) puzzle game, but what a deep and amazing game that keeps on giving me new discoveries!
It's a small screen, but just imagine how much thought went into the creation of this game.
But it was hard to get trophies, and I cheated a lot to get the last message, meow~!

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How do you get the top left star with G flip flower? I could not imagine any usage of flower that can break through

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im also struggling with this one. i feel like there must be some other concept that we're missing. Theres just not enough space there to get through


I just finished that one and it was by far the hardest one to figure out.  There's a trick not needed for any other challenge and a lot of careful box positioning even after learning that trick.

I got it. Here are two hints from the creator on discord.

Hint 1: lbh unir n fcryy gung zbqvsvrf lbhe cbfvgvba. Ubj pbhyq gung or hfrq?

Hint 2: Gel hfvat vg gb trg ba gbc bs gur jnyyf.

Re: Hint 1...

Ab V qba'g?

How many spells do you have?

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ez game [1:08]

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The recordcould be beaten if you didn't mess up the bee spell at the lever

i've done better but i didn't record

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 I did it.100%completed. a lot of them are hard,but i'm happy is done. 10/10

if there is more hint in the trophy room would be nice,flip flower goat route is the hardest one by far.

am i softlocked here (fire + flower)

No, I believe you can't get softlocked trying to get top right star


holy it took me a while of looking at this photo to realize how to get the top right star

you need to use the little space in the right

i knew from when i recognized the font that this would be really fun, good job

If this game had mobile support that'd be great

I feel like supporting web and Windows has already been a bit more work than I expected, but I'll see what I can do! It's definitely something I've been wanting to do.

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how to do fire+flif

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how far have you gotten yourself. also its not fire flip. its fire flip size

I didn't notice, now I understand

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With the help of the flowers, the bushes, and the mini spells you can erase all the map except 3/4 of tile and the gravity blocks (I can erase the fowers but that would take a lot of time). If someone finds a way for deleting the 3/4 of a block please let me know. Since there isn't a way to save the game and start another (to get all the trophys) I'll wait l a day or two and then i will do the trophys.

If you use a browser you can open the game again  

in another tab and play there without it affecting the other game as long as you don't refresh

But then how do i shut off my computer without losing the game

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im pretty sure you can do it easily with the bush. Just end up in that quarter on the last move. Use the "any move" as an up, so at the end u have up,up


Thank you! All the map deleted!

nice! you didn't even use B or G


I didn't even knew that they existed at that time


When you burn a lot of squares this happen

And you have to close and open the web so it fixes


well, time to fix yet another cursed bug!

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