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i wish if it was downloadable




Speedrun your credits


plz more content 


for this game


I might do something TTT-related soon… we’ll see!


i will literally cry if you do (in a good way)


the library is fun

(1 edit) (+1)

the definition of manga 

anima school girls dating mechs.

(1 edit) (+1)

near infint



how to spot monetary crimes


meta books and animia

at the begening of the game mrs.tuarils chalkboard says Mrs.pearson now its erased...

who wrote the secret book 


lore lovers unite.

I have to say that I have the same comment as everyone else .

great game. counted 7 undertale references 

An absolute master piece!!!


Played this on Kongregate, now replaying it much much later and loving it the same. Really like how some of your games contain these sobering conspiracies, like the war memorial in N-step Steve or literally every secret in this one. The game looks like it has some deeper meaning that I'm not picking up, and that's a good thing.

the memories from playing this in cool math games...

I remembered that I played this once in 8th grade on CoolMathGames during school. I then went home and played the other version on my laptop. Great game!

This post reminded me that the game is about 4 years old at this point. I can’t believe it! (And thanks for checking this out!)

found it through coolmathgames, thought id check the original game out >:D

this game is really great


i love you

Systems never change


i love tgis game os muxh (>_<)


*finds the typing gloves after 10 minuets after passing them

I beat the vertical space/bullet one by spamming the space ba

i love that you can negatively win

i beat the game

i want another game similar like this





(2 edits)

Is the "pbeerpg lbhe zvfgnxrf" (use ROT13) one possible? I think it has to do with the easy mode gloves, or maybe getting an S rank on all computers in the same room as it?

EDIT: Nothing to do with S-ranking every other TERMINAL.

(rot 13)

Lrf. Bapr lbh unir erq yrggref, lbh arrq gb hfr gur neebjf gb chg lbhe phefbe bire gur yrggref naq glcr gurz bhg ntnva gb trg cbvagf.

Zbfg crbcyr frrz gb or pbashfrq ol gung grfg, hasbeghangryl.

I did it! Yay.

(1 edit)

Is it intentional that (edit: ROT13 spoiler: lbh pna orng gur "jul" grfg jvgu -5/5 fpber naq n "-f" enax)?


Yes, that’s intentional. (Also, you might want to edit your comment to mark it as a spoiler somehow?)


Amazing 10/10

owow really cool

Like the adventure game through, but do the bullets, including lasers take about a few points away or something?


Yeah, you lose points when you get hit by them. How many you lose depends on what gloves you’re currently are or aren’t wearing.

Ohh, so the best thing to keep them from deducting my points is to avoid them, is it?


yeah, avoiding them is a good strategy.

hmmm avoid the bullets.


Finally... Undertale Fanfiction without the Undertale.


The idea's amusing, the gameplay's fun, and I like the twists it takes. The story is weird, funny, and kinda melancholy at times (just look at this school, it feels more like a labyrinth).

At first I didn't even realize the post game reward existed. But then coming back to this game, I passed all the tests again with it on. Have I found all the secrets? Maybe but I feel like I'll never know.

My favorite part is how a first grader says "frick you" to his teacher. Please please let me score negative points in the competition.


Update: Apparently, I have not found all the secrets.

Good game 10/10


if your up to it can you make a part 2?


Possibly! I have vague ideas for a "part 2" of this game, and I'm 97% sure it will get made eventually. I'm also 97% sure it will take quite a while.

woot woot!


The chances are lower now :(

is this based on undertale?


No, but it was inspired by it.

Sounds like a witness recording.

what do you do with the green key

I finally know who mr pearson is now. 

after beating the princibal then go to the library and use it in the upper room door

i tried to get zero in the competition and i still won

someone make a trailer for this

(1 edit)

i just found a skip that saves 7 minutes over the wr lol

i dont like your name

i don't like mine either

I don't like your face, you frog.


Question of the day, why is Dihydrogen's name on Osu, xXOsuPlayerXx?

ya'll have like the same pfp-


the speed run rules were initially “time starts when you enter your name, and ends when you see the credits”. So they started the game, quit to the menu, and accessed the credits from the menu.


lol, thats not even a speedrun, thats just being lazy

I agree. Speedruns are about fun creative stradigies that still beat the game. I think the ending should be when you get your grade on the principals test.

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