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There is no way to send two cats and then revive them.

There is no way to send three of them.

There is no way to go beyond Zero Flag to the map above... probably not.



I use glitch

Hint: "Probably" is not "certainly" :)

I have not solved it yet. Can you give me a few more hints?

In Rot13: (this is kinda a full spoiler but idk how else to tell you)

Sebz gur cbvag va lbhe fperrafubg:

Vs lbh zbir obgu pngf gb gur yrsg fvqr bs gur yriry, naq chg n obhyqre haqre gur qrnq png, lbh ner bar fdhner bss sebz gur purpxcbvag jura gur qrnq png trgf chfurq vagb gur mreb synt. 

Fb, gur fbyhgvba vf (sebz gur cbvag va gur fperrafubg) 

1. zbir hc gb xvyy gur yrsg png

2. Zbir qbja. 

3. Zbir evtug (gb chg gur evtug nyvir png vagb gur pbairlbe naq chfu uvz hc, juvpu bssfrgf lbh gur pbeerpg nzbhag)



6. yrsg. 

7. yrsg

8. (Abj chfu bar bs gur obhyqref gb gur evtug) Yrsg

9. Qbja

10. Evtug.

11. Hc. 

12. Qbja

Oh... the stone can't go to the square with the dead cat because of the flag.

But it can push the dead cat upwards...

I didn't think it could. I don't know why I didn't try...

Deleted 2 years ago


two room and room 7,21 star...

I think we did everything we could...

I'm trying to find more puzzles to do, but all of them seem to need multiple cats. any places i should go that i might be missing?

Try going into 2 wormholes at once


wow the part 2 came out!!
I've waited this for so looooong

What am I missing...?

(1 edit)

Way waaaaay down the comments, a few people have posted screenshots of their maps at 100%. Here's the first one I was able to find Won't tell you specifically what you're missing or how to get there, but will tell you how many things there are to collect and show you the hidden rooms.

Looks like you've found a couple of the cryptids I've been trying to find, since you have one more than I've found, but are missing at least two rooms I've got on my map. I wonder where they are..

(4 edits)

I need a hint on how to get the last 2 rooms

Can I have a hint on how to get the cryptid from the level editor puzzle?  I have only been able to get it using the bug where you leave a room and use a portal at the same time

Getting a cryptid only requires you leave the screen in too many different ways. In fact, the main campaign makes you do that eventually to progress.

(1 edit)

Usually, that's using 2 wormholes at once, but both 11,17 and 10,12 have examples of how to do this in the level editor.

Um, there are two places you can do that apparently. That's news.

This is a really well made game. The mechanics are wonderfully intuitive but leave a lot of complexity open. 

I am at 18  kittens, 25 stars and 22 cryptids.  and I know there is more to do still. 

Is it possible to move 2 cats at once from room 8,18 to room 8,17? or am I trying for nothing? Theoretically, based on the position on the bottom screen, both cats have the next destination through 1 move in room 8,17 due to sliding, but, as practice shows, the right cat moves, but the left stops during sliding. Is it even possible? If not, then I stop wasting my time on 2 wormholes in room 8,17 theoretically possible to enter at once...


It's possible, but tricky. To get cats to leave at the same time on ice, they have to start the same distance from the exit when they begin to slide.


I use glitch

Deleted 1 year ago

This is one of the remaining spots that I can't quite bit past... is this "tricky" solution actually possible here, because I can't figure out how to match the slide distances

If this isn't part of the answer, I'm stumped on how to actually break the wormholes in the room above

Push rocks onto the ice, since they can't leave the room

Oh of course!

idk if you still stuck on this, hint: that is possible, but your second image state is already too late

In room 11,16, I'm trying to get to the exit. I figured out the solution would be to send right on the green conveyor this sequence from left to right: cat, rock, cat with flag, cat. But I can't manage to get this through (see screenshot below), what am I missing?

(2 edits)

You're very close. So the following hint is something you already know, but I suspect that seeing that what you already know is the problem will tell you the solution.

If you send any cats, one will inevitably land on the zero-flag, and it's game over, you can't walk out. So you don't want to send any cats through. But you still need to have three cats at the start of the room.

As a bit more help, I found it easiest to send the flag first - it can be done a different way, but I found the movement too tight to be worth it since you'll only have one flag to recharge for a long run if you don't send the flag first. Similar to the previous level, the moves are going to be really tight here for a bit regardless, so I'd take the easy route ;)


I use bug

Deleted 1 year ago

please respect your fellow players in this comments section.

are these 2 cats upstairs needed in this level for anything?


I used them to get the star, but apparently you figured out a way to do that without them.

But yes, they do have another purpose - it's related to a game secret. There's a hint in room 12,20 about this (if you've managed to read all the messages there and figure out which direction to read them in), and room 10,12 provides a bit of a clue as well.

(4 edits)

I used wormhole to get star.

Deleted 1 year ago

Trying to exit room 11,17 with 3 cats while getting in with 2 cats, any help please?

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit) (+1)

The solution to getting out with three is completely different to start from what you did to get out with one starting with one. And yet, in some ways it's actually much simpler. The cats you will leave the room with are one of your starting cats, and both of the revived cats.

You sacrifice one of your starting cats very early in the level to make it possible to get the other cats past the second medusa. The movements you have to make are very tight though, because you don't have a lot of free space to move around without leaving the room, stoning the wrong cat, or jamming the dead cat into the wall by mistake.

And if it still seems impossible, remember the cat gets stoned at end of turn, so you might just think you can't push a medusa the right way.


Thanks, I made it through with your hints

I found a way without pushing the medusas left or right

How ... ?

Well, ok ... I really don't know how to exit the room with 3 cats ( 11,17 for 11,16). I can't managed the 2nd medusa with my two cats, nor the others, no idea either to what to do with the white flag , whithout stones ... Help ?


This does nothing

I became delusional and put two dead cats on portal. I think it broke my computer.

Did you get the cryptid, however? (I think this might be my favorite cryptid puzzle)


Uhhh... it broke my computer

Did it go all rainbowy though?  If it did, a cameo from a different game entirely should be nearby.


No, it actually broke my computer

Deleted 196 days ago

What is this portal for? The glitch doesn't work for this room. I had to spend four hours getting two cats in because the bug doesn't work.

I think I'm stuck.


*I can TP out; what I mean is I'm stuck because I cannot get out of this position "naturally"

did they changed this room so people can use the old glitch to skip the door?


...Step by step, small progress has been made here, I learned new mechanics...But I really don't know why i'm so stuck: most of my wormholes are closed, access from 11,15 too . Is it because I can't reach my last kitten in 14,15 ? Any Hint is very very welcome for this saturday night ;-/

Hints and solution below, in rot13:

  • Gur fbyhgvba hfrf n zrpunavp vagebqhprq va ebbz 11,20.
  • Hfr n ebpx gb oernx gur cnggrea bs gur pybavat zrqhfn.
  • Solution:
  • Chfu n ebpx gb gur evtug bs gur gbc evtug pybare, gura chfu gur zrqhfn hc jvgu n ebpx fb gur zrqhfnf pybar vagb rnpu bgure. Gura chfu gur ebpx gb gur yrsg naq tb hc.

”I'm pawsitively grateful that you rescued me!” Comedian Zelig ... and me

Ah ah, thank you ! I had managed to do much complicated (and beautiful)stuff!

I thought about it all day and couldn't find a way.

Please help me.

To exit the room from the top? You need to start with 3 cats.

Oh... Thank you for telling me...

You need to work through a really long chain of puzzles starting at 9,14


I just used the bug

I'd already found the chain, but when I got here with two cats, the wormhole opened up, so I mistakenly thought two cats were enough.

Now I've already reached the end of the chain and I'm exploring another place.

And I'm stuck again! (But I want to solve it on my own because it looks so simple)

Two cats are enough to get the star, but you need three to exit from the top.

(1 edit) (+1)

"Confounding Cloning Conjecture" is a level all about having more than one cat. I hope the mechanisms aren't too hard to handle. They might be a bit too much.



i think you forgot to move the spawn for test last level lol

(1 edit)

Aw maaan, should be correct now I can edit my posts


bro is having a stroke and speaking the language of the gods

Cool level, thanks for sharing! Actually, all the levels shared so far have been cool.

I'm currently stuck on the third room, though. I'll see if I can beat it later...

(1 edit)

This is my Japanese WIP playthrough (FYI part 1 to 4 are NSS1). This game is brutally difficult to find a possible way to get the secrets, but the puzzles are very exciting.


I've looked through it but not what I need.

How to get past bottom left of screen? I tried cat Cloning but doeesn't work

you are already too late

You can't go through the wormhole, you need the puzzle before it


Tutorial please


Push the 8 step flag into the cloner, then push one of the copies down. Delete the rock by pushing it into the cloner, then clone yourself. Generate a dead cat by cloning into the flag, then push it down to get it onto the flag.


12, 21 help


you get the star from next level

Deleted 1 year ago

I posted a solution to this somewhere below (in rot13)

Deleted 1 year ago

I'll just put it after the break

Push a dead cat (facing left) down from the room above


(1 edit)

i guess i already told you



Try going to the room on the right, and then returning

(It seems that going *past* the star is also a thing, but haven't gotten there)


I can't get past

(1 edit)

To get past the star:

Push the medusa into the area with spikes and conveyors so the 3-step flag pushes the rock, then the bottom 3-step flag is pushed onto the spikes and lets you pass.


I can't get past the room itself. Needs instructions from the 5 flag


It's impossible if you're in the 1-space corner, you need to reach the top. To do that, you need to die without moving left, then exit from the left. If you've already reached the top, then push the rock onto the conveyor.



how do i use the idea to make harder puzzle? anyone pls do it

(2 edits)

I can't figure out how to exit the bottom of 8,18 6,16. (edit)


I just used the glitch before I smashed my computer to pieces


It allows an extra cat then you have it easier with the coconuts

Deleted 2 years ago
(1 edit)


You need an extra cat. There is one in the preceding room, but you don't have enough movement. If you've opened the wormhole in 7,17 then you already have what you need. If you haven't, then you've got some other puzzles to solve first.

Then stack the cats and rocks so that you have the rocks above and below the flag, one cat on the flag, and one cat above. Then go straight down.

(1 edit)

The game is turning into a chain of puzzles, where each one lets me solve the next. Or is that what it already is?

That's exactly what it seems to be. Just getting the cats requires solving a puzzle for each one. Getting a lot of the stars requires solving a chain of puzzles. And the secrets require.... a bit of lateral thinking would be an understatement. There's a reason I called the developer an evil genius somewhere in this comment section. The puzzle chains are brilliant.

If you're still working on 6,16, you won't be able to do that until you've unlocked the portals at 7,16. Those don't necessarily require that you got the star from 9,14 - but if you do have to start there, and having gotten the star will give you a very strong clue about how to start. (not that unlocking the portals is part of solving 6,16 - just that it will happen naturally on the way, and will make it easier to come back later)

I opened the portals already, just can't figure out how to position the medusas in 6,16 to get to the bottom

Yeah, I've gone back through that one a couple times (because I forgot which portal would get me back to that room) and I have to figure it out again every time. But I think I've optimized it now.

To get past the top medusas, keep the cats as far apart as you can for the first two steps:

  • Left medusa down 2
  • Middle medusa down 2
  • Position one cat below and one at right of the left flag
  • Now you can "wiggle" the cats down through the medusas

For the bottom medusas, the easiest thing to do is hold back two of the cats by the blue flags, send the first cat through. Push the left medusa down. Then jump on the spikes. Send the second cat the same way. Third cat pushes the middle medusa down.

(1 edit)

I think I found an unintended solution in 7,12 (spoiler)

I actually know about that one, and decided to keep it in. It's an intended unintended solution, in a sense.





I know there was a small easter egg at the end of part 1 where if you used 2 cats to get into the actual teleporter, a goat would push the other cat in.  Is there a little easter egg like that in this game? 

There's a place near the end where I could add something like that in, but I haven't done so yet.

No need: you are the GOAT



the game don't have a do nothing key, and i make it


classic platform level lol


Need walkthrough. Stuck on stars.

There don't seem to be any. I've been trying to figure out the 'hardest star' for hours!

The one with the sign that says "might be the hardest star in the game"? That one's not actually so bad, but I'll admit I kind of found the solution by accident - but I might have realized it was the solution if I'd remembered that room while I was playing the end-game.

Part of what makes this one hard is that it combines multiple game mechanics, some of which you don't really learn about until the end of the game. If you got the star in 9,14 already you know a number of those mechanics. The last mechanic you don't learn until the end of the game, but you find out about it in a giant room full of kill-flags.

I'm only stuck on two last stars - one I haven't even found yet, and that one in 14,17. I already know there's a lot that can be done in that room that isn't immediately obvious, but I haven't figure out any way to abuse what's in that room to get a cat into that little hole. I've tried pushing a dead cat up and then pushing a flag onto it, but the medusa stones it right away. And I can't see any way to get a cat facing the other direction there.

I got that one quickly through an apparent glitch. See post below(somewhere down there).

The star in 14,17: (rot13)

Vafgrnq bs chfuvat n qrnq png hc, lbh arrq gb chfu n qrnq png qbja sebz gur ebbz nobir.

Not the one I need

I can't believe this... I figured this out just a minute before I saw you'd posted a hint, because someone else mentioned what room to use. But I'm annoyed at myself it took so long because I've used every game mechanic this required repeatedly to solve other stars and secrets, and yet every time I looked at this one I just kept thinking "but, my cat will turn to stone, so I can't come in that way". /facepalm

Competor has started uploading a walkthrough of it on his channel in this playlist the 5th video in the playlist is where part 2 starts. Two important things to note is that Competor is from Japan, so you will probably need to use translated subtitles if you want to understand what he's saying if you don't understand Japanese; and that as of the day I'm posting this reply, 5 of the videos aren't public yet but, based on the upload pattern of the previous parts, I believe it should all be public by January 15th 2023. I might wait for someone else who speaks english such as Joseph Mansfield to cover the game unless I'm desperate to find out the solution to a certain puzzle.


Do the wormholes have any pattern to what tile they take you to if you break them? I thought maybe average or sum, but it doesn't seem that way. But then why do you get teleported to weird places inside of walls? Why not just teleport straight to the destination? And then what about disambiguation space?

(1 edit) lbh trg gryrcbegrq svir ebbzf hc, naq n fvatyr fgrir nccrnef va gur fnzr cynpr eryngvir gb gur gbc naq obggbz obeqre bs gur yriry. Gurer'f bar rkprcgvba gb gur "svir ebbzf hc" ehyr, ohg vg'f snveyl boivbhf bapr lbh'ir frra vg.

Thanks for spoiling, that makes my life so much easier.

How do you break them?

By attempting two leave the screen in too many different ways.

The bug doesn't work in certain sections


Not edited! This is awkward...



No idea

It just happened randomly

I was abusing the respawn bug but then it did this(never happened before). My intent was to get the "dead" cats to resurrect upon reload.

(1 edit)

Why doesn't it ask you to press enter?

EDIT: when the cat spawns in a room it is "immune" to features

The enable old bugs keeps resetting itself to off(it won't save). A bug needs the page to refresh, but since it resets, the bug is not usable. Help!

I realized there was a bug with the setting. Version 1.1.1 should fix this.

Thank you!

yes yes yes yes YES NOOOOO

I was about to whine about how sure I was that I would reach section (7,20)'s hallway using... a method. I thought it was a bug, because how else should that hallway be reached?

so I returned from whence I came.



A custom level centered around tricky ice techniques:



Can confirm that this is hard. I don't know if/when I'll beat this level, but if anyone else beats it before me, I guess you can claim you bested the game's creator! (At this particular user level, anyway.)

I think I beat it? Or did I cheat it? At this point, I know there are bugs so IDK.

Actually, none of the bugs (to my knowledge) can appear in the editor or user levels due to the limitations of the editor. Which is a little surprising to me!


tfw you can't level your steves :(

(2 edits) (+2)

Joining the 100% club. Great, deep game; definitely recommend to everyone who likes sokoban puzzle games.

Star 14,19. It wouldn't let me paste this screenshot(internal glitch I think)


Can someone tell me how to get it

(2 edits)

Qb lbh xabj jung lbhe tbny vf urer? 15,20 zvtug tvir lbh fbzr vqrnf.



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