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The Lost Puzzle on 15,11 : Watching man to the hole

Hope the watching man detector don't have bug

Warning: very hard

An interesting puzzle, you just have to keep careful track of your parity.


After sporadically working through this, finally at 100%-- I really want to celebrate this achievement of a game, so deep and charming, with layers upon layers upon layers

Too difficult by far for some dummy like me to do alone, but it's been a wonderful experience to get tips and support from the community; thanks to everybody but especially Ethan for this beautiful game



Me go crazy

First break-teleport to 11,15

Yeah I figured the portal in 11,15 would get me to 11,9, but where do I need to "break-teleport" from?

I feel like I did everything there is to do. I'm guessing I have forgotten one (or think I did it) but I don't want to do it all over again


Since I had managed to bring two cats to the end of that level (am not gonna spoil it) I had forgotten to break-teleport from that one as well.

(1 edit)

Finally in the 100% club.
Maybe spoiler below :











When you "break teleport", do you ALWAYS get 5 rooms up?
That's how I managed to understand I had overlooked one room... from only two other examples.
Should I have known that beforehand? That would have been SO helpful!


I made another custom level, and this time it's more vanilla-style and has a central mechanic! I'm proud of this collection of neat puzzles, and I hope they aren't too difficult.



After all this hard work ( thank you Ethan, what an adventure!), I can't seem to figure out how to unblock this wormholes in 10,11 ! which doesn't seem to be a big deal here ... it's not very funny.

It's been a bit since I did that room. Did that one not open automatically when you have two cats in the room?

Less or more, yep ! (I had forgotten very much a very little useful element indeed)

100% Complete. Thank you everybody!

Still don't get it... Could you please tell me more ?

Assuming you thought you had to unlock 10,16 : you need an extra cat, he's sleeping not too far away ...

 I've got two cats in 10,17, but ... I don't know how to bring them both to 10,16...

I'm dying to finish this game but can't seem to find where to even look for...

To open 13,3, you have to double teleport from 13,8.

I figured as much but couldn't do it until you told me it was possible! Thanks! Only two left. 

Found the one from 12,16 (can't believe I missed that one).
I'm guessing it's one I *think* I did but maybe didn't...
Why are you so cruel epicpikguy?
You have ruined my work week with this fantastic game!


The Lost Puzzle on 8,17 : 2 cat out right


Troll puzzle

Could anybody please help me with the stars in 11,16  13,20  7,21 and 10,11 ?

For 11,16 there's a reason the entrance to the level is as wide as it is ;) Getting that one will (if I remember) start a long and complicated path that will eventually get you 13,20.

The star in 7,21 takes advantage of a game mechanic you learn toward the end of the game and uses a very unlikely-looking exit/entrance.

10,11... I don't remember there being a star there, but I finished the game a while back, so my map isn't really helpful for spotting star locations - where are you stuck on that one?

For 11,16 I've been trying to bring 2 or 3 cats to the large entrance, but I haven't found the way (I assume they must comme from 9,17, but how ?)

For 10,11 I'm one step too short to get the star or to go to 10,10.  I think I have to open the wormhole to succeed, but I don't know how (again).

(1 edit)

If you start 11,16 with two cats, there's a different solution (that involves sacrificing one cat to reposition a medusa early on) that will let you take your remaining original cat and both revived cats through the top exit.

And while 9,17 will get you the spare cat you need, it's only a shortcut to do so after it's opened. Without that shortcut (and in order to open the shortcut if I remember), the extra cat is part of a loooong path starting at 9,14.

If you've opened any of the other shortcut portals into the path then you can skip parts using portals at 7,16, 6,17, or 9,19. Otherwise you have to take the long way around (and you'll open those portals as you go).

Oooh, and actually for 10,11, I might know why you're stuck now. How did you get there? We might have gotten there from different paths, which is why I had enough movement. You need to teleport into the level - not using the map teleport -  in order to start on the 9-step flag in the upper corner to reach the door. You'll find what you need to finish the room up there.

So... if I understand correctly, it's possible to go across 10,20 (from 9,20 to 10,19) with two cats ?!

Yup.  That's exactly it.

(1 edit)

Alright. 4,21.
How do I get this to actually work? Both interested in the cryptid as well as just reaching the rightmost teleporter. I just can't understand how I can get the flag to be further to the right - neither can I understand how I can  potentially push a dead cat onto the teleporter to the right (if that is the solution to do it)

To reach the rightmost teleporter, push a dead cat with the rock.

For the cryptid, you won't need to reach the rightmost teleporter :-)

Thanks - worked out both now!


I am almost at 100% without using the bug.  The only 2 things I can't figure out are the cryptid at 4,16 (from room 4,21) and the star in 11,12 (I know it starts at 9,12 and I know how to get there).  Once I figure them out I will make a full walkthrough.  Can I have some hints?

I just got the 4,16 cryptid and was puzzled for a long time :) 

Hint: You need to get a living steve into a position, where you can push a dead Steve to the teleport on the left, refresh the counter and then move to the bottom teleport.

To get to the bottom part of 11,12, you need three Steves and the Rock on the left of 10,12. I think it was 2 above and 1 below, but could be the other way around. Its tricky to find the right way to arrange in 9,12.

I am missing the room 9,13... any ideas?

I would look to the rooms around 9,13 to find a way in :)

Oh my god, I was thinking way too complicated :D

Thanks! Joined the 100% gang now <3

Still haven't found the way :-(

Hint (possibly small spoiler): If you leave a room in two different ways at the same time, you will be teleported 5 rooms above. Depending on how far you are in the game, your only have experienced this in one way (leave room 10,12 both to the left and to the right simultaneously) - but there are also other ways.

Good luck!

I want to leave 9,18 in two different ways at the same time, but... I don't know how to get two cats there

Any chance of adding "Total Step Counter" stat in a future update?

(2 edits)

Heeeeeelp ! I'm completely lost ! Anyone to help me anywhere ? :-)

Did you notice the wormhole hidden in the lake with spikes?

Oh, thank you ! I had forgotten to try this one :-)

If you have 6,17, try exiting the bottom of 8,18.

thank you for coming back and helping me again !

The level editor is not working. When I put barriers on the edge of a room (to stop the player from going there without needing a wall), and then put walls on the other side, the editor removes the barriers and I can't put them back again. Please help.

Right, I suppose that is a bug. I’ll fix it…

Thank you!

how do you restart

You can restart to the beginning of the room via the pause menu, and you can reset from the current flag by running out of moves and moving again (the latter is something that’s important to remember!)

(2 edits) (+1)

Warning: Old puzzle have bug, do not play it if you don't want easy puzzle

Old puzzle:


a puzzle that based my previous puzzle idea but its harder(and look better)

@epicpikaguy you can also try it, this is prob my first hard custom level in the game


New Puzzle:



nice lev.

in order not to spoilerize, I will try to lower the picture below














(2 edits)

oh no its look like my level have bug, how did you beat it without go the one time one way tunnel? pls tell me, if you are still using the right solution intend to complete it, then there might be a star for not going the tunnel

for the intend solution

















you push the red eyes guy up, then push stone down, stack stone and checkpoint to make right cat go down, then push red eyes guy down, go down and go the tunnel and push the stone right to unlock it, and use stone to push red eyes guy right down to the hole, make a cat right turn stone and use stone to push up 0 flag and then win










right = r, left = l, up = u, down = d

d, 3l, reborn, 4l, u, 5r, u, r, 2d, 2l, r, 2u, l, d, 2r, d, r, d, 3l, d, l, u, 3r, d, 2u, 4l, d, 2r, u, 2r, d, u, l, d, l, d, 2r, u, 2r, d, 2u, r, 3u, r
(1 edit) (+1)

i just make a new puzzle, hope it fixed it

done. but can't uploud image ( after picking image nothing happens

I beat this level. I liked it!

How do I get to 13,12?

I assume you already beat 6,17? If so the path to 13,12 starts there - but not the way you beat it before.

I JOIN 100% CLUB!!!!!!!!!!!

:) :) :) :) same

a little left... is there anyone to help me?

(1 edit)

You have three rooms to find:

8,11: double teleport from 8,16. Spawn an extra kitten using the flag at the entrance.

6,10: you get there through a wormhole in 8,15, which you access from 8,20. Create an extra kitten there and use it to reach the two lower wormholes. You'll need at least three.

15,8: MetaMetaPuzzle posted a hint below.


OH NO, why my progress get reseted!!! help

Can you provide more details on what happened? What were the last few things you did before your progress got reset?

Its like, i join the game, clicked "edit an existing level" while i dont have a existing level, then i make and test a level, copy level to clipboard, then use comment to upload the level, and save and quit

then its only have new game button, which mean my progress is reseted

im trying to do the thing again, but its not work for me


I think I might have an idea of what went wrong. The level editor actually reads and writes to your saved progress (for spoiler-y reasons,) so it’s likely that something went wrong during that process.

Fortunately, this is the only report I’ve gotten in the three weeks since the game’s release, so hopefully this is a really rare bug.

I’ll try to implement some sort of save backup system soon, but in the meantime: what did your save game look like? I can try to recreate your progress, then give you a save file which you can load into the game via the JavaScript console.

(3 edits)

100% completed

but make sure dont give me everything that unlock by double portal, i used old bug to skip that, and i want play them legit

Okay, you can follow these steps to get your progress back:

  • open up the Javascript console
  • make sure you have the game's iframe selected (it won't work if you run the command on the main page, it has to specifically execute in the iframe's page)
  • paste and run the following command:

localStorage[""] = "14\r\n10\r\n19\r\n5\r\n1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;0;1;1;1;1;1;1;0;1;1;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;1;0;0;0;0;\r\n1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;0;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;0;1;1;0;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;\r\n1;65;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;33;97;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;32;0;0;0;0;0;32;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;32;32;0;0;96;105;32;0;0;0;64;1;0;0;0;0;32;0;0;0;0;96;33;97;0;64;105;105;105;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;96;225;32;32;0;96;9;9;73;32;32;96;73;32;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;64;33;65;225;97;96;41;41;105;457;489;9;73;73;73;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;64;33;33;1;97;41;41;41;13;41;9;41;13;105;73;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;64;33;113;1;97;41;41;41;73;73;9;361;9;41;105;0;0;0;0;0;32;32;32;64;353;33;65;9;97;41;73;73;73;41;457;233;32;0;0;0;0;64;33;97;73;0;96;33;85;9;41;41;13;41;9;9;13;41;233;0;0;0;0;0;0;64;73;96;353;1;65;105;33;9;73;9;41;105;9;105;73;0;0;0;32;32;0;64;73;353;1;65;97;97;41;41;457;9;41;489;457;233;73;0;0;64;33;97;0;64;41;73;97;1;65;97;97;9;45;41;9;9;45;233;105;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;64;9;77;97;97;0;64;457;41;41;105;41;73;73;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;64;105;425;41;73;0;64;105;0;0;0;64;105;73;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;64;41;41;105;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;64;73;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;64;73;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;64;105;0;\r\n10\r\n19\r\n333333333333d33f333333333333d33f333333333333d33f\r\n333333333333d33f333333333333d33f333333333333d33f\r\n11\r\n1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;0;0;1;0;1;1;1;1;0;0;0;1;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;1;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;\r\n11;14;-1;\r\n1\r\n0\r\n";

Then try refreshing the page. Hopefully, this should work. (But I'm not familiar with the browser in question, so there's a chance it might not, and there's also a chance I made a mistake here.)

Also, what web browser and operating system are you using? Knowing that would be helpful for tracking down the bug. 

windows 7, and used some stupid chinese browser called 360安全浏览器 13.1 that use Chromium things i guess, idk about it



some stupid idea

i should really stop to make zero step steve lol

Any hints on how to finish 13,22? I know you need to bring two cats from 13,21,  I did that once but can't remember how. And I don't know what to do with them once I get them to the next room anyways.

I assume you mean 13,20 into 13,21 but that's as far as I can help.  I'm stuck there too.

(1 edit)

When you say you're stuck there, you mean you can't get to 13,21 or you can't beat 13,21? And if you're stuck getting to it are you sure you have the room numbers right? Because 13,21 isn't accessible from 13,20. If you can clarify a bit what your problem is, I probably have a hint (if MetaMetaPuzzle doesn't beat me too it ;) )

Sorry, typos. I meant 12,21 to13,21. I can finish 12,21 with one cat but I'm pretty sure I need to bring two cats into 13,21 to rescue the cripid. I got that far once, but then couldn't complete the rescue so I moved on for a while. I'm hoping this is how I'll eventually get the star in 13,20.

(1 edit)

You will definitely need two cats at some point during 13,21, but not before you get to the splitter that has both ends open. I assume then that you're stuck because you can't get your cat up past the first medusa?

You can't go into 13,21 and just start running it, that won't work. There's a little bit of setup to do back and forth between 12,21 and 13,21 relating to to exactly how room transitions behave. (although I suppose it's possible there's a way to get two cats in that I never figured out, and that's actually the "right" way to do it. It's sometimes hard to figure out what's a game mechanic and what's a bug, with how creative the puzzles are 😅)

Current problem is the first medusa, yes. I solved that part once, but no clue what I did or what to do with the rest of the room.

(1 edit)

Is this supposed to happen?

I got the star like this but dont know if it is cheese

(1 edit)

Works As Intended :)

I tried my best to find out where I can get to 4,4 and 15,8 but I can't find them.

I don't need to know how to get there, I just need to know where I can get there.

If you teleport to a room that doesn't exist, you go to 4,4 instead. A hint for 15,8 can be found at 9,20.

OMG, I'm not a native English speaker, so I missed the 9,20's hint!

All I had in my head was "The pink flags look cool" LOL

I missed that hint too, I was just waiting in 14,8 and then I saw the pink flag

So I assume that means there's a room somewhere that rather than following the usual rule for wormholes will land me in 4,4? Because I've searched, and every room I've found that might fit that criteria (now that I've uncovered the rest of the map) doesn't allow me a spare cat as far as I can tell. So I must be missing something that's obvious-in-hindsight.

Last thing I need to finally 100% this beast...

I don't think there's any room built into the game proper that allows you to get to 4,4. My hint is that you'll have to figure out how to make it yourself.

Ah, yup, thanks. That was it. I had no idea that was actually part of the core game, so I never even thought to look there.

100%, finally.

4,4 was the first cryptid I got LOL

still haven't found how to reach 15,8 



I'm completely stumped as to how to get the star in 7,20. I've got here (which gets me to 7,21's star) but I can't figure out how to get to the hallway. I feel I should somehow be able to push my way up through the splitter on the top right of the room below, but I can't make it work. Any hints?


Save on both flags, then "waste" a turn by going up.

Got it, thanks!

Now to figure out how to get to 13,13.

I don't understand MetaPuzzle 's hint : access to 7,20 is really via the splitter in 7,21 ?

(1 edit) (+1)

You can access 7,20 through either "hole" in the top wall of 7,21. The right hole gets you the star in 7,20 and the left hole helps you get to the star in 7,21.

If the timing is right (which is why MetaMetaPuzzle said you have to "waste" a move), you can push a dead cat through the splitter that would otherwise destroy it. If you've reached 12,13, the mechanic is demonstrated there.

Ooh, yeah ... thanks! I'll be able to move forward, and continue on so many other problems! 

Deleted 1 year ago

Don't worry everyone!  Once you complete enough of the easy puzzles there's a section that becomes "fairly difficult"!

Anyone up to give me a nudge for 9,12 & 10,12?  I managed to get three cats to enter 9,12 but haven't been able to arrange them correctly when leaving to get through to 11,12. Am I even on the right track?

You're doing very well. You need a cat on the conveyor, a cat on the space above the rock, and a cat exiting from the conveyor in 9,12.


Hm. I've tried for a long time now. My assumption was for a period that there needs to be a dead cat in the field right below the rock that I will push with an alive cat as well as the two alive cats above the rock, but I can't get it to work. Could you please give some hints as to where the dead cat(s) need to be to be able to exit 9,12 with two cats above the rock and one beneath?  I assume I need four cats (entering 9,12 with three cats) to make it all work, or do I just need three?

(1 edit)

You only need 3. Put 2 cats above and below the rock in 10,12, and one cat two spaces above the rock. Then go right, then down, then right.

Cat on ice
Conveyor + cat

Yup, that's what I'm trying to archive.  Sadly herding these cats seems a lot like herding cats.  Just can't seem to make that pattern in the western room.  I've tried with the rock and without, with 3 cats and with 4, with dead cats and with live cats.

Exactly my situation as well - totally get the logic of what to do in the next room, just can't find a way to get two cats at the top, then one rock, then another cat at the bottom. That's the problem.

How do you even get to 9, 12? I got there but I am on the ice path isolated from the steve

(1 edit)

Can you change the rule execution order in the level editor?


Nope. I think if you're at the point where you're considering changing rule execution order, you could make your own game or fan game (assuming that's something you want to do.)



OK (messes up my puzzle though)

How do I access both portals simultaneously?

I posted a solution to this, close to the bottom of the comments

I need a hint for the cryptid puzzle in 14,15

(1 edit)

What part of it are you stuck on? I'm assuming you've already figured out the in-game hint about wormholes and just don't know how to get around the medusas while making sure to have enough cats to replace the stone reach all wormholes?

(1 edit)

I don't know how to get enough cats (or even get more than 1).

The splitters will get you there. Remember the splitters don't change the direction you face, so horizontal splitter to "back up" onto the vertical splitter. From there clone cats to your heart's content. You'll need three. If you're not careful you'll get a lot more, and it'll be really hard to navigate.

How do I get rid of the medusas?

(1 edit)

Is there a way to beat the level even normally without getting rid of two medusas? Because you only need to get rid of two of them. But if you managed to somehow beat the level without doing that before then here's what you need:

Top rock right of horizontal splitter. That's basically it. Now you can destroy two medusas using the other rock in order to get the timing right. From there, it's all about working the splitters to get more cats facing right until you have enough to finish the level.

Edit: Actually, looking back now, I can't even remember how to beat it without cloning cats, so there must have been a way I don't remember that didn't kill the medusas. Honestly, I think the "secret" solution is easier now.

I could really use a hint in solving this puzzle. I've tried pushing rocks with no success, and pushing medusa heads seems to be correct, but i can't seem to do it with enough steps remaining

To get the star you mean? Somewhere down the thread I posted a step-by-step walkthrough (and then a video🙄) for this star. But since I assume you want to try to solve it, here's a couple of hints:

  • You can't get in to the star, so it has to come to you
  • You will need to move two rocks and two medusas, and cross the ice patch three times. (not in that order obviously)

I can't get a star here.

(1) Make a cat facing left from the state in the screenshot.

(2) Bring the cat facing left from above.

(3) Slip through the wall somehow from the map on the right.

I think it is one of the three. Is my thinking correct?

(4) Pushing a dead cat into a star.

You need dead cat to get star

It never occurred to me to push a dead cat!

I will try again.

Thanks to both of you!


I use glitch

There is no way to send two cats and then revive them.

There is no way to send three of them.

There is no way to go beyond Zero Flag to the map above... probably not.



I use glitch

Hint: "Probably" is not "certainly" :)

I have not solved it yet. Can you give me a few more hints?

In Rot13: (this is kinda a full spoiler but idk how else to tell you)

Sebz gur cbvag va lbhe fperrafubg:

Vs lbh zbir obgu pngf gb gur yrsg fvqr bs gur yriry, naq chg n obhyqre haqre gur qrnq png, lbh ner bar fdhner bss sebz gur purpxcbvag jura gur qrnq png trgf chfurq vagb gur mreb synt. 

Fb, gur fbyhgvba vf (sebz gur cbvag va gur fperrafubg) 

1. zbir hc gb xvyy gur yrsg png

2. Zbir qbja. 

3. Zbir evtug (gb chg gur evtug nyvir png vagb gur pbairlbe naq chfu uvz hc, juvpu bssfrgf lbh gur pbeerpg nzbhag)



6. yrsg. 

7. yrsg

8. (Abj chfu bar bs gur obhyqref gb gur evtug) Yrsg

9. Qbja

10. Evtug.

11. Hc. 

12. Qbja

Oh... the stone can't go to the square with the dead cat because of the flag.

But it can push the dead cat upwards...

I didn't think it could. I don't know why I didn't try...

Deleted 1 year ago


two room and room 7,21 star...

I think we did everything we could...

I'm trying to find more puzzles to do, but all of them seem to need multiple cats. any places i should go that i might be missing?

Try going into 2 wormholes at once


wow the part 2 came out!!
I've waited this for so looooong

What am I missing...?

(1 edit)

Way waaaaay down the comments, a few people have posted screenshots of their maps at 100%. Here's the first one I was able to find Won't tell you specifically what you're missing or how to get there, but will tell you how many things there are to collect and show you the hidden rooms.

Looks like you've found a couple of the cryptids I've been trying to find, since you have one more than I've found, but are missing at least two rooms I've got on my map. I wonder where they are..

(4 edits)

I need a hint on how to get the last 2 rooms

Can I have a hint on how to get the cryptid from the level editor puzzle?  I have only been able to get it using the bug where you leave a room and use a portal at the same time

Getting a cryptid only requires you leave the screen in too many different ways. In fact, the main campaign makes you do that eventually to progress.

(1 edit)

Usually, that's using 2 wormholes at once, but both 11,17 and 10,12 have examples of how to do this in the level editor.

Um, there are two places you can do that apparently. That's news.

This is a really well made game. The mechanics are wonderfully intuitive but leave a lot of complexity open. 

I am at 18  kittens, 25 stars and 22 cryptids.  and I know there is more to do still. 

Is it possible to move 2 cats at once from room 8,18 to room 8,17? or am I trying for nothing? Theoretically, based on the position on the bottom screen, both cats have the next destination through 1 move in room 8,17 due to sliding, but, as practice shows, the right cat moves, but the left stops during sliding. Is it even possible? If not, then I stop wasting my time on 2 wormholes in room 8,17 theoretically possible to enter at once...


It's possible, but tricky. To get cats to leave at the same time on ice, they have to start the same distance from the exit when they begin to slide.


I use glitch

Deleted 264 days ago

This is one of the remaining spots that I can't quite bit past... is this "tricky" solution actually possible here, because I can't figure out how to match the slide distances

If this isn't part of the answer, I'm stumped on how to actually break the wormholes in the room above

Push rocks onto the ice, since they can't leave the room

Oh of course!

idk if you still stuck on this, hint: that is possible, but your second image state is already too late

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