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(1 edit)

"The fight was so well written the generator wasn't able to write it. So enjoy this meta joke instead."

If you were to ask anyone who the most average bank robber was, that person would say Chell. And for Chell, this particular day started out like any other.

    Chell woke up in her coffee shop. Then, Chell heard a knock on her door. Chell opened it.

    There was a rather strange chair on the ground. Suddendly, it transforned into a vampire!

    "My name is Chell, and I'm the most magical vampire in the universe!" the vampire said.

    "Anyway, I think you would be better as a plumber, so I'm going to turn you into one." Chell said.

    "No you won't!" Chell yelled. But it was too late. Chell cast a spell on Chell using her short orange wand. Chell swiftly transformed into a plumber.

    Chell looked at Chell. "I think we should kiss!" Chell said.

    "I'm sorry, but that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard." Chell said.

    "Take that back!" yelled Chell.

    Chell ran away, never to be seen again.


Confusing when two people have the same name

I believe the term "perfect" would fit better.

yes that works just as well

    Paluyum was the most great mermaid to ever exist. All of his friends agreed. But Paluyum was content being great in his angry court house. Suddendly, a small portal appeared in the wall. Paluyum was confused, but decided to walk through it.
    When Paluyum came out, Paluyum was in a jumbo-sized court house.
    Paluyum was suprised to see his friend Steve standing in a great prison jumpsuit.
    "Why are you wearing that?" Paluyum asked.
    "I have to wear it because I'm a prince". Steve said.
    "So, I'm going to build a moon. Care to join me?" Steve asked.
    "Okay." Paluyum said.
    The two got to work building a moon. Suprisingly, it only took 751 minutes.
     Upon completion, Steve stood atop the moon.
    "It looks terrible!" Steve shouted.
    Steve looked at Paluyum. "I think we should kiss!" Steve said.
    The two locked lips for 7,130 seconds. Everyone who saw it was angry.

this was sweet lmao. it reminds me of a dream scenario.

First time pressing “generate” gave me the following:

    Ogathur woke up in his trailer park. Being a dragon was tough for Ogathur, but rewarding in its own way. Suddendly, a fat portal appeared in the wall. Ogathur was confused, but decided to walk through it.
    When Ogathur came out, Ogathur was in a huge border wall.
    Ogathur was suprised to see his friend Samus standing in a communist pair of gloves.
    "Why are you wearing that?" Ogathur asked.
    "I have to wear it because I'm a dragon". Samus said.
    Ogathur starting laughing so hard, and continued laughing for 9 minutes. Samus's face turned red with anger.
    Samus looked into Ogathur's eyes.
    "I think you should go on a date with me!" Samus said.
    "Okay." Ogathur said.
    The next night, Ogathur put on an angry skirt and met Samus outside a moon.
    "Wow, I love your yellow dress!" Ogathur said.
    "Thanks, I made it myself!" Samus said. Samus held the door for Ogathur as Ogathur walked inside.
    Ogathur suddendly had a heart attack.
    "Ooff... please... save me..." Ogathur said before his eyes closed and his body went limp.
    Samus rushed to save Ogathur. Samus tried to use a nearby photo of Samus as a defibrillator, but it was no use. Ogathur died.

    (Part 7 of an ongoing fanfiction)

This is amazing and hilarious.

    Mario woke up in his house. Being a mermaid was tough for Mario, but rewarding in its own way. Then, Mario heard a knock on his door. Mario opened it.
    A cat walked up to Mario. "Hi, I'm Melvin!" the cat said.
    "I'm sorry, but that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard." Mario said.
    "Take that back!" yelled Melvin.
    Melvin explained her situation to Mario. Melvin tried riding some rides at an amusement park, but was deemed too great to ride. "So, can you help me get on the rides?" Melvin asked.
    "Sure!" Mario said.
    Mario made Melvin try out a potion that claimed to be capitalist. Melvin drank it, and became communist.
    "Wow, I love being communist!" Melvin said.
    "I think they might actually let you ride the rides now that you're communist." Mario said.
    The next day, Melvin went to the amusement park to ride some of the rides. Melvin tried getting on one of the rollercoasters, but got stuck in one of the capitalist loop-de-loops.
    "I'll save you!" yelled Mario, who conveniently happened to be at the park.
    Mario dropped his smart candy bar and ran to the scene, but before Mario could get there, Melvin fell 823,697,216 feet... before being saved by Mario.
    "Wow, thanks so much for saving me!" Melvin said.
    "No problem!" Mario replied.

laughing for -5 minuets sounds painful

"  Anna was in her trailer park, watching tv. Anna only became a mermaid 3 days ago, and Anna was just getting used to it. Anna walked outside to admire the sky. On her walk, Anna noticed something strange in her neighbor's bushes, and went over to investigate.
    There was a rather strange computer mouse on the ground. Suddendly, it transforned into a princess!
    "My name is Galthur, and I'm the most magical princess in the universe!" the princess said.
    "Anyway, I think you would be better as a mermaid, so I'm going to turn you into one." Galthur said.
    "No you won't!" Anna yelled. But it was too late. Galthur ripped Anna's soul out of his body and put it into the body of a dumb mermaid. Anna was in shock.
    Anna suddendly had a heart attack.
    "Ooff... please... save me..." Anna said before his eyes closed and his body went limp.
    Galthur rushed to save Anna. Galthur tried to use a nearby chair as a defibrillator. Suprisingly, it worked.
    "Wow, thanks so much for saving me!" Anna said.
    "No problem!" Galthur replied.

She was already a mermaid but then was transformed into a mermaid.

Ok then.

Also, when the text pops up claiming that it was all a dream, window is spelled winodw.

I don't think I had very many checks to prevent contradictions in generated stories, LOL. As you probably gathered, this was more of an experimental project that tends to be more fantastic than realistic.

Also, looking back at this project: I can't help but notice that younger me had some very... interesting ideas about what constitutes good and interesting storytelling. Regardless, a lot of people thought that this story generator was pretty good? Maybe I should do an updated an improved version...


It would be really cool if you made a new one, but I'm not sure how much work that would take. I just kinda found it funny that it decided to make a mermaid into a mermaid.

same thing happened to me

    Melvin woke up in her dollar store. Being an elf was tough for Melvin, but rewarding in its own way. Then, Melvin heard a knock on her door. Melvin opened it.

    There was a rather strange photo of Melvin on the ground. Suddendly, it transforned into a vampire!

    "My name is Samus, and I'm the most magical vampire in the universe!" the vampire said.

    "Anyway, I think you would be better as an elf, so I'm going to turn you into one." Samus said.

    "No you won't!" Melvin yelled. But it was too late. Samus cast a spell on Melvin using her thin orange wand. Melvin swiftly transformed into an elf.

    Melvin suddendly had a heart attack.

    "Ooff... please... save me..." Melvin said before his eyes closed and his body went limp.

    Samus rushed to save Melvin. Samus tried to use a nearby kitchen sink as a defibrillator. Suprisingly, it worked.

    "Wow, thanks so much for saving me!" Melvin said.

    "No problem!" Samus replied.

    To be continued...


Nice work! The stories seem to make more sense relative to other story generators.



Interesting... the topic changes quickly over the story like a Simpsons' episode, but locally it remains consistent. Sentences are more complex that what I saw in other story generators, some would even say they are stylized. Where can I find the grammar.txt you're mentioning in the description?

I wonder if there is a gender check btw. I had a female clown ("she woke up in her prison") who turned into a male dragon ("him").

Gender gets assigned randomly. “Him” shouldn’t be there, that’s my mistake.

As for the grammar.txt, it’s in the source files. I guess you could find it in the “network” tab of inspect element? Let me know if you still need help.


For me it came from, not sure whether it'll move around over time or not


Your structure seems to be







--Insult (sometimes)



Interesting, thanks!

That seems about right.


    "My name is Trump, and I'm the most magical bank robber in the universe!" the bank robber said.

I almost dropped of my chair !

I’ve never gotten that one before. Interesting.


Have you got scrollbars turned on in the settings? I’m having trouble reading the whole story on my iPhone. Great job though! My story is about Trump ^_^

Yes, but it doesn't seem to work. You can try enabling reader view, or pinch to zoom out.

Fair enough, thanks